Step 1. What Do We Accept?
We accept unlimited amounts of glass, aluminum, and plastic bottles with a "NY 5¢" deposit on the label. Anything without a NY 5¢ deposit will be given back to the customer or recycled.

4. We Count it All
We count all your recycles using a high-velocity counting machine and in minutes, accurately count your returns and pay you cash on the spot. It's quick and efficient.

Step 2. Pre-sort your Recyclables
Please have containers prepared before entering the facility. All containers should be empty, clean and in original form. Separate glass botles, cans, plastic 1-liter and 2-liters into separate bags for faster processing.

5. Business or Organization?
If you are a business or organization, sign up with 5 Cent Bottle Return. You'll get an account, can schedule weekly, bi-monthly or monthly pickups at your location and get text messages with updates to your balances We cut payments monthly to your business or organization by company check, Zelle, Paypal or Venmo. A great way to earn.

3. Sorting Options
We have plastic baskets at the facility you can use to sort your recyclables OR bring them pre-sorted in clear plastic bags. We also sell rolls of plastic bags for your convenience for $2.00 each (roll of 10 bags.)

Get Started Today
Visit our location today or signup for one of our corporate, business or charity accounts.
Contact Us
6 East Dexter Plaza, Pearl River, NY 10965Email:5centbottlereturn@gmail.com Phone: 845-533-5141